Monday, September 20, 2010

Online Catalog and Databases

1. Can you idntify the library website , OPAC, liabray database?
  - Liabrary website is home of website who can define researches and liabrary  catalog
  - OPAC ; is online public access catalog
library databases;can be bibliographic of full text . biobliographic databases in form you of the
existence of an article . and you then pursue that article in the liabrary 's physical collection  by
using our "SFX" button or procuring it via our"get Materials" webpage.

 2. List 5 PDF files of articles you search from google.
       A: Strategic Content management.
          B: The look that says book
          C: Good help is hard to Find.
          D: apps vs the web
          E: No one nos: Learning to say no to Bad Ideas
          [PDF] Region, Nation, Frontiers
        [PDF] Sacred Maya Flower
        [PDF] Share Together Book Drive2 

3. What is " an Abstract" ?
 : is a brief summary of the most important points in a scientific paper. Abstracts enable professionals to stay current with the huge volume of scientific literature. Students have misconceptions about the nature of abstracts that may be described as the “table of contents” or “introduction” syndromes. There are several ways to tell if you’ve written an abstract or not.


4.  What is " a Full - text article "?

: In computerized databases, the complete article rather than just a citation or abstract. In LIAS databases, move from the record screen to the full text of an article by entering the command DIT. A full-text article in LIAS can be printed, sent to your email address, or saved to disk.

5. What is your search technique(s) when you're doing your homework or assignment ?

 - I always use  searching  online by google, wikipedia website

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